Jamie Kirchick, assistant editor of The New Republic, appeared tonight on Tucker Carlson's show to announce--with a smirk on his face the size of Manhattan

I first met Jamie at a holiday party held by the venerable libertarian magazine Reason just a few weeks ago. When Jamie saw my "Ron Paul 2008" button, he snickered and said, "Oh, Ron Paul... I've been reading up on him. Have you read the stuff that guy's written? Nasty stuff! Racist, anti-semitic, homophobic!"
I emailed Jamie the next day to engage him further and to ask just what he found so offensive. His response:
Hi Berin,
Thanks for writing; and I’m glad you enjoyed by [sic] piece in the Boston Globe. I’ll try and make the [DC Log Cabin Republicans] party tonight, though [LCR President] Patrick Sammon isn’t particularly happy with me after I wrote this piece [attacking LCR for not endorsing Giuliani, whom Kirchick calls "the most pro-gay Republican White House contender in history"]
Anyways, I don’t think Ron Paul is a homophobe; I’m just cynical and enjoy getting supporters of political candidates riled up. If you were a Giuliani guy I’d have called him a fascist. But I must say, the Ron Paul supporters are the most enthusiastic of the bunch! [Emphasis added.]
Thanks for writing; and I’m glad you enjoyed by [sic] piece in the Boston Globe. I’ll try and make the [DC Log Cabin Republicans] party tonight, though [LCR President] Patrick Sammon isn’t particularly happy with me after I wrote this piece [attacking LCR for not endorsing Giuliani, whom Kirchick calls "the most pro-gay Republican White House contender in history"]
Anyways, I don’t think Ron Paul is a homophobe; I’m just cynical and enjoy getting supporters of political candidates riled up. If you were a Giuliani guy I’d have called him a fascist. But I must say, the Ron Paul supporters are the most enthusiastic of the bunch! [Emphasis added.]
When I responded to ask him when his article might come out so I could read more, he answered: "Patience, my friend :-)"
Patience, indeed.
Let me not mince words. Jamie is a muckraker, a charlatan, and a hypocrite. For being so careless about concealing all these, he is a fool to boot. His bottom-feeding journalism dishonors The New Republic's history as a bastion of high-minded political discourse. His story was deliberately timed to inflict maximum political damage on a man of such uncommonly principled integrity that he is attacked for statements written decades ago by others in his name.
The richest irony is that the Ron Paul grassroots campaign in Washington, DC--Jamie's hometown--has found its earliest and strongest supporters in DC's gay community. It would not surprise me if our slate of delegate and alternate delegate candidates for Ron Paul is the gayest slate in DC (measured by number of gay individuals--not gayness of individuals), very probably the gayest slate in DC ever, and probably one of the gayest slates for a major party Presidential candidate of any state ever.
The Gayest slate in DC! Amen!!!
Very interesting post. There's a long thread over at Hit & Run. I commented there (as "voxpo"). The timing here is just "amazing." Now I'm embarrassed for not anticipating this zero hour blitz.
The article has finally been published on TNR, but without the promised evidence. It is long on accusations and innuendo instead.
High-minded political discourse? In the New Republic?
Oh, you must mean the Stephen Glass classics.
Didn't you know? Accusations ARE evidence when it comes to accusations against Ron Paul. A biased media has repeatedly, and monolithically, proved it.
Okay, I admire much of Ron Paul's current platform. But there are really only three responses if you actually read the content of the newsletters:
1. The quotes are fabricated and the new republic is committing libel. (This seems unlikely since anyone can go dig up the archives.)
2. Ron Paul allowed comments like this to be published, with his name attached to them (and in the first person!), for decades despite disagreeing with them.
3. Paul knows that some of his views are now deeply unpopular (to say the least) and, as a politician, understands that he has to disavow them.
Listen: maybe the new republic is a rag. Maybe the establishment is out to preserve its power. But despite those things, the evidence indicates that these stories are true. Burying your head in the sand doesn't do anything.
The campaign needs to use this proof against TNR- the writer is clearly out to smear the good Dr.
TNR has no credibility and the campaign would do well to point this fact out (probably by bringing up the past controversies the paper has been in where it was proven that they falsified stories).
Remember, Paul is one of the few who argued against the war on drugs because it was unconstitutional and it discriminated against African Americans-just look at the clip on Morton Downey, that does not sound like a racist.
Also Paul has said in past interviews (for instance the Google interview) that he supports the rights of individuals (gay or straight) to get married. Stating stuff like this would totally debunk the attacks.
I discuss the article here. Perhaps someone can answer the question about 1990.
It's over. the only reason the community has supported Paul is because we believed he was a good person. This changes everything. Time for the denials to end. Time to withdraw support from Ron Paul. I'm glad this came out before I voted.
Something about this private email to you doesn't ring true. He flat out exposes himself to you, already knowing who you are? Kirchuk calls you "his friend" when you just met him? I find that really hard to believe.
Can you produce the original email with the header? We can see if the sending IP address is anywhere near Kirchuk.
It breaks my heart that people have invested so much emotion and love and even money in Ron Paul that this news is going to crush them. Many will simply never be able to admit they were duped and are going to live with this black stain on their hearts for the rest of their lives.
It's OK, people. We've all be duped before, and we'll be duped again. We're human beings, it happens. It shows how extreme the desperation is in this country that we were willing to latch onto a possible savior.
Back to the Democratic Party. It's all so sad.
I'm sorry, but I don't see any new evidence in that article which refutes Ron Paul's sincere apology he delivered back in 1999 for the staffer who wrote those articles. Paul has now responded to this article and has denied all accusations again. This trash has been dug up because it's the only way the establishment can get at Ron Paul. Let's take it for what it's worth
Every time I've been near the Libertarian party, I've noticed that it had a unusually large number of crackpots who could mentally justify to themselves most anything they did. Their literature constantly reflected this infusion of kooks. So I'm not at all surprised to learn that several kooks published racist or homophobic newsletters and attributed the writing to Ron Paul or implied Ron Paul's endorsement. In their twisted little minds, they probably even thought at the time that Ron Paul would praise them for it some day.
Sorry, not only do the quotes not even sound like Ron Paul, but any guy who has weathered politics to serve in Congress a few terms would know better than to actually say anything like the crazy statements being falsely attributed to him.
This is just muckraking and Kirchick is just aching to get his 15 minutes of fame by torpedoing Paul. As he says, he probably doesn't even have anything against Paul, but rather Paul just provided the easiest target for Kirchick to pump up his ego.
There are two areas of concern about any person: what they say/do and what they truly believe. But what a person believes, to the degree that it matters, is discernible only by what they say/do. So this leaves actions and words as our only sources of insight into a person's makeup. If we accept that the actually bigoted words are not Ron Paul's, we are left with his real words and his actions. There are no accusations I'm aware of that Ron Paul has verifiably said or written bigoted words, so we are left with actions. Ron Paul allowed his name to be used in the name of a newsletter which contained some bigoted words over the years. I think this can be fairly criticized and Ron Paul has accepted responsibility for it and apologized years ago. I am left with his other actions and his actual words--a tidal wave of pro-liberty, pro-Constitution, pro-equal opportunity bravery and eloquence. Ron Paul is easily still the best, imperfect candidate.
Also keep in mind here folks, that once a hit piece like this goes online, Opponent supporters will be on these blogs and forums pretending to be disillusioned Ron Paul supporters who say now they won't vote for him.
My comment above refers to VERSO of course.
I'm not a homosexual, but I am a Ron Paul supporter, and I just stumbled across this blog. Ron Paul is certainly drawing support from a wide range of people. Are we all crackpots? Who knows?
I've been reading his column for years, and I always thought he was one of the few polititians that was honest - and made sense. So if being a Paul supporter means being a crackpot, so be it, I'm a crackpot.
It sure beats voting for Hillary or whatever Neocon bootlicker, the powers that be, want us, we the sheeple, to vote for.
"David said...
My comment above refers to VERSO of course."
Funny, that was my first impression, an infiltrator. Most people don't just "give up" so easily.
Come on, folks, there is simply no defense for Ron Paul letting this ugliness appear under his name for so long. That, however, is not the crux of the article in TNR. Instead Jamie Kirchick plays fast and loose with facts to make a much more interesting read. It would be one thing to write extensively about how Ron Paul let his name be used by intellectual monsters. But that isn't the article Kirchick wrote.
Instead, he dances around known facts, implies facts that aren't proven and some that aren't even true, and smears Paul with guilt by questionable association. A whole paragraph on the fact that Paul has appeared on Alex Jones' radio show without noting anything that Paul actually said on the show but detailing what Alex Jones thinks? Come on.
And the crap about David Duke -- it's intellectually obscene. Forgetting the issue of whose words those are or are not, how does one characterize them as "kind" towards Duke? Heck, I could have written what is quoted, and I'm not exactly a David Duke fan. Kirchick is simply dishonest. Maybe the newsletter had other words that were positive about Duke, but Kirchick doesn't quote those. That isn't to defend Paul, but it's intellectually obtuse to lie, mislead, and insinuate what you know isn't true or what you don't bother to check out.
One can dismiss or even denounce Paul for letting such hideousness appear under his name, especially for so long, but that would have given Kirchick a blurb, not an article. TNR owes an apology to its readers, and Kirchick owes an apology to all of us. Stephen Glass redux?
Well said David. That infiltration was too obvious. Come on Paul supporters, even if you believe this crap no one here should be making such quick decisions based on a neo-conservative paper tied to MSM networks and written by a Rudy supporter none-the-less. We're so much better than this I know it. True seekers-of-the-truth look at all sides and weigh out all the facts that come out, as well as MOTIVES, which should be loud and clear
Well, that email just proves what was obvious to me: that Kirchick is a dishonest shitbag who wrote this article in a deliberate attempt to pull people who weren't paying enough attention away from voting for Ron Paul. The day before the New Hampshire election! There's NO excuse for that. He admitted his irresponsibility a long time ago and the apologies were issued appropriately. You can look on Wikipedia for the (lack of) content that's in the New Republic article. All I can say is that I now understand why Republicans don't like the New Republic.
And trying to make Ron Paul look like a homophobe, Kirchick? Have you SEEN his statement on the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy? He says both inappropriate homosexual AND heterosexual behavior (and yes, he did use the word "heterosexual") should be addressed, not just the former.
Gay and supporting Ron Paul.
I don't support Ron Paul, but I don't think this should be construed as any way implicit on this movement, whatever it is. It obviously IS. There is a passion there that comes from a unique coalition that can't be dismissed. The so-called Truth Movement and the hang-Lincoln types are not who Ron Paul is really attracting. The passion is interesting. Maybe he's the next Howard Dean?
Ron Paul got 10% and 8% respectively, that is without a fair time allotment on any Big Media outlet, I was so pissed that the MSM chose to Censor him along with Kucinich I wrote the 3rd installment to my Mad As Hell series at my home page, it seems even Edwards has gotten shunned by the MSM. I'm just starting to learn how to use Digg and I dug it and got here, cool stuff indeed.
I just wanted to personally say that my family has known of Dr. Ron Paul for over 20 years. Not only are these words and acusations not his, but they don't even remotly sound close to anything this man has ever said in any speech.
My logical thought is this, If this is so huge, how come the man was allowed to return to congress after supposedly publishing these comments? His congressional district is not even close to being totally white.
People would have known of this a long time ago. Ron Paul would have never of been allowed to happen.
This story is not original, it is a vauge rehash of old garbage. Mr. Kirchick merely parrots the same thing I've read in about ten other places, and offers no new opinions.
The reason they spread this hate is simple. The fact that I a straight man is on a blog discussing this great man with the gay community. The same reason why when some rural white man gets on youtube and makes the same claims, the inner city african american youth come to Dr. Paul's defence.
They attack him because a brave young soldier SGT. Hector Narez
has the guts to tell the truth about Iraq, and risk his entire future in doing so.
This man unifies everyone, which is why they will do everything in their power to destroy him. That is the true reality.
His greatness speaks alone, and is the beakon of truth that is Dr. Ron Paul.
Berin, has the media contacted you about this e-mail exchange? I bet Tucker Carlson might invite you on his show. ;-)
cCNN canceled its Republican Debate in Ohio that was scheduled on February 28th between Governor Mike Huckabee, Senator John McCain, and Representative Ron Paul. This debate was critical because it was only 5 days before the primaries in Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
There is Petitions going around to have this debate take place. I know many Ron Paul supporters would like to see this debate, so
Ron Paul can get some recognition on the issues. Can you post the link to the petition so we can have this debate take place. Thank You. Go Ron Paul!
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Think about having a booth for this coalition inside of Paul's tent at the Ames straw poll. If you don't think that this would have decreased Paul's vote count, I don't think you understand what we are up against. Consider that a majority of the GOP voters preferred Bachmann's jingoistic, emperialistic, Christian supremacist speech to Paul's substance-packed speech. It would be a present to Paul's Republican opponents if he were to ally with LGBT organizations.http://costa-ricafishing.com/ They would have an ace-in-the-pocket to pull out and use at the point in time when it would hurt Paul the most. Like giving an extra gallon of gas to an arsonist.
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